Western Cooperative Electric’s Scholarship Program is committed to the leaders of tomorrow. The Western Cooperative Board of Trustees has approved four $1,000 scholarships and the $250 Darrell Brown Memorial Scholarship to be awarded for the 2023-2024 school year.
Eligible students must be high school seniors and live in one of the nineteen franchise communities Western Cooperative Electric serves or legal dependents of an active member receiving service from Western Co-op.*
Franchise communities in Western Cooperative Electric’s Service Territory:
Bison | Galatia | Olmitz | Plainville | Timken |
Bunker Hill | Liebenthal | Otis | Schoenchen | Waldo |
Dorrance | Lorraine | Palco | Susank | Zurich |
Ellsworth | Natoma | Paradise | Sylvan Grove |
*Students who received scholarships from Western last year from the Youth Contest are not eligible for the 2024 scholarships.
Webforms can be found below. Printable PDF forms can be found here: