80th Annual Meeting
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
WaKeeney VFW Post #3449
400 North Railroad Avenue WaKeeney, KS 67672
Western Cooperative Electric plans to hold the Annual Meeting on May 14, 2025, at the WaKeeney VFW Post #3449. During the meeting, members will have an opportunity to socialize with Western staff and trustees, share a meal, and learn more about the last year's operations and finances.
Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members. Trustees are elected among the membership and are accountable to those they serve by actively participating in setting policies and making decisions.
Prior to the annual meeting, the Board President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members from each of the three trustee districts with the approval of the Board of Trustees. The nominating committee shall nominate one or more members from their district for each trustee position.
To run for a Trustee position, candidates:
- Must be a member of Western Cooperative Electric
- Cannot be employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise or a business selling electric energy or supplies to the Cooperative.
- Cannot be a current employee or have been employed by the cooperative within the last five (5) years.
- Must be a bona fide resident within Western's service territory
Only Trustee Nominations submitted before the March 1 deadline will be printed on the ballots. If you are interested in running for a Board of Trustee seat, contact a Nominating Committee member in your corresponding district or collect a minimum of (15) valid signatures on the member petition form and return it by March 1.
Before the Annual Meeting, members will be mailed the Annual Report and Trustee election ballots in early April. To be counted, ballots must be postmarked before May 1, (10) days before the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting dates, times, and places may be subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic. Failure to hold the annual meeting at the designated time and place shall not work a forfeiture or dissolution of the Cooperative.