Concern For Community is one of the seven cooperative principles, and to live up to that principle, Western Cooperative Electric has established the “Western Cares” program to help members in temporary need of assistance in paying their outstanding or delinquent electric bills.
Funding will not necessarily be the amount requested but will be determined by the number of requests and the amount in the fund.
Program Guide
Applicants must contact the cooperative office and request an application or obtain the application from the Cooperative website. The application must be filled out completely by the applicant and returned in person or via mail or email to Western.
The application must be for help in paying the unpaid balance of an electric account. It may not be used for payment of other services or required deposits. The total amount of the assistance must go towards the electric bill.
Once the application is received a review process by members of the committee will determine the need of the applicant and the amount requested. Amounts will be based on the money available and may or may not be the amount requested.
Individuals are limited to one grant per member per year.
To apply, please fill out the Western Cares Application Form, and return it in person or via mail or email to Western.